An old piece- actually from the Travel games book I did a while back. I've been on hiatus lately due to the horrible heat and my lack of air conditioning. I'm hoping to get the ball rolling again with some original IF stuff once the weather is more bearable.
lovely!! Nice design!!
Very nice and certainly fits the theme. I like the bright colors you use.
very cool! Love the color choices!:)
Chickengirl, I like your style.
Very nice! I like your bright, clean style and the perfect drawing for this week's clean theme!
Can relate ~ the heat is taking a lot of energy and my creative ability right along with it. Too hot to think! So I'm recycling art again myself. This is a fun cheery piece!
recycled or not, i love it. reminds me that i need a wash badly, just too hot to do anything. :(
old or not still looks good and fits this weeks theme perfect. like the lil stars indicating how shiny and clean the cars are nice touch
Its squeeky clean, nice work!
This may be an oldie, but it's still a goody, love the sparkles on the truck :)
Very nice! It's hot as hell here too, but I have AC. Hope you get some relief soon. :-)
this is great! love your work!
terrific as always, no worries!
Beautiful work!
I guess a mere ice-cold watermelon can't take on this insufferable heatwave. Sorry the temps are making you miserable, but the we're delighted to see archived works of yours! Very nice, CG!
I really love your stuff! your sketches are great and I love the CARtegory sketches and final! I love to see revisions. Thanks so much for sharing.
Yikes, my vehicle is in desperate need of your car wash! hahaha!
I love the care that goes into each of your illustrations, and your colors are vibrant-- really draw the eye.
Nicely done!
i lerve this Jannie! It's sad how heat can put a damper on creativity, it just sucks the life out of you!
Squeaky clean illo! Hope some cooler air gets sent your way soon.
This is so CLEAN and neat. The design and color are just right for the subject. With the heat we are having I think I could just 'walk' in without the use of a car.
I love the shiny car!
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