Yikes, I've really took a hiatus with IF and general blogging. I don't really have any excuse except my life is full of libras and had tons of birthday gatherings to attend to. Above: Some doodling, colored in photoshop.
Some exciting news: I am listed on
Penguins' Perfect Picnic will be out in Feb 2007 and two other critter craft books is also listed, coming soon. I am thrilled to pieces!
Uh-oh, what a bunch of shady ne'erdowells. The dog is awesome.
haha, great idea and very cool illo.
yeah i agree the dog is great.
This is the funniest Trouble entry so far. Great cast of characters. I agree the dog is cool but my favorite is the short round head. I was wondering what he may have done. My guess is he made the numbers a little too crunchy at his accounting firm. Fun stuff chickenchick (i mean girl).
very cool! love it! oh, and congrats also...
love your work, chickengirl! i have added your link to my blog -hope that's ok :) take care..
this illustration has won my heart. Great concept, amusingly executed.
New Yorker Magazine here you come.
Crossdressing number 4 is pretty funny too! Great idea.
love it. great concept.
hahah this is awesome!!!
yay, congratulations! and this illustration is so funny :D
makes me wonder wht the rest have under there coats lol congrads on ur listing
What a fun idea - and the characters looks great!
Fun to hear you're listed on amazon - congrats!
coool character line up!
this is great, don't leave us again!
Nice ilo! And congrats to the link on amazon!!!Yippi!
it was numbah three! he dont got no pockets!
Very nice and funny illo. Love the colors!
Woah, what a bunch of troublemakers. I think number one did it, I'll bet he chewed my newspaper too
Ciao Chickengirl, your stuff is amazing and very original. Hope to able to publish a book too in the next future! Take care and congratulazioni again!
They always blame the dog.
Love this illo! The colours are super & I love the way it's all drawn... :)
Very cute!
Congrats! You're where I need to be. You deserve it, I've been enjoying your work for a while.
Haha, great work Chickengirl! I don't know who's the most devious of the lot...
This is by FAR the best "trouble" entry!
The characters are so funny!
Hehe....love your excuse. It's viable! Love the lineup!
This is hilarious and wonderful! Congrats on your successes and your barnyard pix are delightful too!
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