This is a very old piece, about 2-3 years old. It was at a time when I finally was going somewhere with my style and wanted to take illustration more seriously as a career. Its always fun to draw evil strangers having a cigarette in his mouth, although in the world of children's publishing, I won't be able to do that, most likely.
And it my birthday today, wheee!
Appropriately creepy. Love the hypnotic lollipop. And Happy Birthday!
Great detail. I like the different shades in the car. Makes it look like the sun is shining on the front. Good job!
this is so great! all the elements make it so visually appealing!!! Have a beautiful b-day!!!
Heeheh...great work! and a very happy birthday!
Haaaapy biiiirthdaaaaay tooooo youuuuuu
Haaaapy biiiirthdaaaaay tooooo youuuuuu
Haaaapy biiiirthdaaaaay deeeear
Chiiiiiicken Girrrrrrrrrrrlllll
Haaaapy biiiirthdaaaaay tooooo youuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!
...and many mooooooore!
Your work is amazing Janie :o) Keep up giving us these jewels to feast our eyes with!
Big big hug, hope you have a wonderful B-Day!
AWESOME fun work!!
happy birthday! good work!!
Happy Birthday!!
and really great drawing..
I love that the evil candy man is so much larger than his car!
Fittingly sinister. Beautifully done! Happy Birthday!
great colors and fun illo happy Bday
Very, very good! you are a fantastic illustrator :)
This is so funny and...Happy cluck cluck Birthday!!!
And Happy Birthday Chickengirl. B
Great illo' remember never trust a guy in a green car
Ooohh.. he is quite creepy, and smokey.
Happy Birthday to you Chickengirl!!
Nice piece you gots here.
cigars and candy don't mix. Like the green car! Hope your birthday today was fun!
Take it, kid – then run for it!
Nice work, Chickengirl-from-2-3-years-ago.
Great illo! It's great that you picked a difficult topic to illustrat, It's not easy to do by any means!!
Great expressions and sleaziness!
Great composition!
Looks great! Wishing you a very happy birthday! :)
HaaPpPY Birthday to YoOoOOooou
HapPpPPyYy Birthday to YoOooOoou.
HappPpYy Birthday to Chicken giiirrrrLL,
HapPPpY Birthday to YoooOoOOoOoooo.
(a belated birthday song! to you). That is such a wonderful illustration. I LOVE those colors you chose. You are a Color Genuis!
Nice. He's very sinister. The twisty perspective on the road accentuates the sinister feel, too.
Happy, happy!
happy late birthday, great work!
Hope you had a nice birthday! This is a great illustration. Love the boy´s face so much.
And your new banner looks great! Glad that my banner tutorial was of assistance
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