I've always loved doing funny ads/coupons and the like. This was naturally what I came up with when I saw this week's Illustration Friday topic was "Save."
And thanks for all the lovely comments on my new banner! Just needed to freshen up the blog here. I finally updated the new blogger template. The new version is so easy to use! I don't know why it took me so long.
That's so funny. I almost fell for it, too.
Jannie, this is so adorable! What a bargain, a free chicken leg!!
a : )
Excellent! It sounds crazy, but wouldn't that make a great promotional postcard? I'd love to see an art director cash it in. Hee :)
haha... it's so funny, Jannie. I love the little chicken's leg for free hehe...
I also heart your new banner, spring is in the air, finally! :D
Your humor (and illustrations) always make me smile from ear to ear! Thank You!
I'm with Elizabeth- I think it would be a great promo card!
So cute.
Oh that's too funny! Filled with that Chickengirl humor!!!
I agree it would be an eye catcher for an AD and a free chicken leg for lunch too! who could resist?
Sooo cute! I agree with the others, it definitely would make a great promo. It's full of chickeny goodness!
Your new banner is fab! The colors have a richness to them that creates a nice atmosphere whilst we linger at your blog. I just love it.
Such a genius idea!!! Very funny. You better put something on there about only one coupon per illustration, otherwise you might be in trouble!
You always manage to make me laugh! This is hilarious, and I love it! I love the fake ads and coupons you do...they're so creative. Thanks for sharing :)
hehe, nice idea. And the chicken is great.
awesome deal! id take the chicken leg any day.
really great idea and style !
LOL super funny, you win a free chicken! :)
I love your coupons and tickets and every lovely things you do with fun!! your banner is very cute! bravo!!
Save 10 cents as a great incentive? Umm... I think I'll take the Chicken Leg...I will take whatever as the coupon is so cute.
jeje... really funny!! I love your creativity!!
Funny! Good stuff!
Heehee, good one!
hih superfun :D
i still think that if someday you decide to move the blog to your own hosting it could be even better! xD :D I can give you a hand if you need it to import and move everything if you take the decision
very clever! love it, oooh sooo much!
Heehee, I can almost see me cutting this out next time I trade art with ya. Couldn't wait to get my chicken leg, heehee. Love the coupon. Fun stuff.
This is so funny! Cool idea!
Who can resist this promo?
very cute idea, you are soo clever!! I would have never thought to do a coupon!! Love it!
cool! great style! :)
What I love about this piece is that it shows you have a great (and goofy) mind behind those awesome design and illustration skills. I agree with everyone here who says this would make a great promo.
Poor little chicken!!!!
What a unique way to illustrate this topic! Just curious as to where you are storing all those free chicken legs! ;)
that is hilarious...great submission Jannie...
that is hilarious...great submission Jannie...
You Rock, Chickengirl!
I just love your work! That chicken is so great. This is so perfect for this weeks theme. I really love the colors. . .they are so you!
OMG! too funny!! But the poor little chicken. Maybe you should have a vegan substitute. A Tofurkey leg perhaps?
Funny! (that coupon also has validity in Argentina? )
Very cute. You could always make a bunch of simple little chicken leg softies to give away as promotional pieces - clients would love that! BTW, I love your illustrations & blog, thanks for sharing.
so funny. such a clever person you are! wonderful illo!
What a great and funny idea!! love the coupon.
Oh really cute! :)
A real bargain! So inventive!
great! the only thing that would make it better would've been taking off one of the legs on your chicken in the logo :-)
that... chicken leg... looks... delicious...
i think i better go make a sandwich.
Too funny!!
I couldn't bear that thought of all those one legged chickens, hoping around on little peg-legs, so I would choose the 10 cent discount. : )
i *heart* almost all of your design! those are very cute!!!
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