There were some changes going on over at the Surtex show in which all the booth numbers had been re-assigned. Now we are in booth #552. Luckily, I haven't had any printed materials made yet. The group I am with is Vivid graphics and there are 5 of us. We'll be meeting soon to discuss the displays in our booth. Exciting!
I've been feeling very overwhelmed lately. So much so that I feel like I haven't been very productive with my time and energy. I haven't spent much time working on my licensing portfolio but instead feeling paralyzed and guilty. Last night, I finally stayed up to work on a few pieces:

I've been doing some research on licensing, and there are great resources out there such as
the art of licensing yahoo group, Tara Reed's
ebook on doing trade shows, and my fellow illustration for kids member Holli Conger documenting her Surtex show planning on her
So far, I've had mixed feelings on licensing...such as doing art work on spec, artwork being kept in a private gallery, etc. which is very different from doing illustration. I am learning alot so far, and we'll see where this journey takes me.