Thank you for everyone's well wishes from the last post! Things are still crazy here as I now have the
Surtex show in two weeks. Doing a trade show and getting married all within a month of each other = absolute craziness!
I wanted to finally post my
chicken wedding invitations though! As many of you who might be artists/designers/illustrators, the first thought after getting engaged was...not the dress, or anything else, but....oh what am I going to do in terms of the invites?!? I had so many elaborate things going through my mind: sending everyone bound books, or a box, or a poster in a big tube. In the end, I wanted to keep things simple and sophisticated. Hard to do because I realized I struggle with doing anything sophisticated.

I ended up doing a tri-fold invitation, which gave me the story book feeling but much more simple than actually doing a book. The concept was (of course, us designers had to have a concept for an invite, haha!) a path on which we went from the streets where we first met to St. Thomas for the ceremony, and back to New York for the reception. Here is a picture of my "assembly line":

To finish my theme of a chicken wedding, we had plastic egg favors filled with chocolates tied with a matching blue ribbon, thanks to my mother-in-law (again)!

It was very easy to come up with some matching thank you flat cards afterwards.

Thanks again to all the well wishes, I'm off to do some Surtex stuff and hopefully survive the next two weeks. Back again soon!