My website is long overdue for an update, especially in the
books section. I finally updated the books I've done and a few that is soon to be released, many coming out in the Fall of this year. Please take a
Two new books (coming this Fall) listed on Amazon:
The Great Reindeer Rebellion, written by Lisa Trumbauer and illustrated by Jannie Ho (yours truly.) It is a companion to The Haunted Ghoul Bus with a similar format and embossed pages. I also got to design this book. Woohoo!
Light the Menorah, a cute interactive book, illustrated by Jannie Ho (me!). There are small pull tabs for the kids to "light" the candles of the menorah. I haven't received copies yet but it will be fun to see the interactive part of this book.
And last but not least, I finally got my own name as a website domain name:
For now, it will bring you to my Chicken Girl Design site. I'm not giving up being Chicken Girl just yet, but I had to renew the domain and have been giving some thought about the name and what I want to do with it in the future. Many of you expressed to me that it is a very catchy name and clever branding, but a part of me wants to be taken "seriously" too, and wonders if it hurts me in a certain way. I would love to hear your thoughts on the matter. That is it for now!
It looks awesome Jannie!! All your books looks lovely :o) The reindeer one is looks sooo adorable! Congratulations on a fantastic book line up.
To answer your question, I don't think people will take you less seriously by using the chicken girl name, but, I do think that is great people start connecting your name with your work, you know? Specially with all your books out now, It's good people know chicken girl IS the famous Jannie Ho, hee, hee!! :o)
Great work Jannie. It's wonderful to see all the books together, you should be super proud!!!
I agree w/ Ali. It seems smart to transition over to your 'real' name, especially b/c you want people to find all those books by the proper credit.
I love the catchy name "ChickenGirl" but I undestand wanting to use your name. Maybe Jannie Ho aka- ChickenGirl! I have been called Spadazzle by people when I am out, I think they really think it is my name... but that is o.k. I paid the money to register it as a (R) trademark and I like it! But it would be kinda funny for people to just call you ChickenGirl! Still cute though :) I like all the new books, they look great, we have had the Halloween book up all year!
oh it is fab!!! I love it Jannie...great to see your collection of great books!!! I need to add more to Cole's Collection!!!!
Wonderful work chickeng-- I mean Jannie! ha, ha. It probably is good to have your work connected to your real name, but don't give up the poultry!
your reindeer strike book looks fantastic. no pay no sleigh! love it.
Your web site is really fun and well organized! I enjoy your artistic style.
One small suggestion? I think you wanted to have the chicken balloon that says "illustration" be the same color as the tab that says "illustration," right? It's the only one that's a different color.
Everyone needs an editor! :D
Thank you everyone, on your thoughts. I do think having people recognize my "real" name is a smart move now- especially with books coming out that says "by Jannie Ho" and not "by Chicken Girl." heh!
Jon- thanks for pointing that out to me on the site...I want to change it so it will match. Maybe it will give me the push to update that part of my website!
jannie - your new books look fantastic! Especially the Reindeer one, it looks funny and the illustration on the cover is perfection! I agree with everyone else that you should transition to your real name now that you are doing books - it just makes sense. Great work!
sweet cute fun stuff, something that any kid can relate to n enjoy!! :)
Congrats, Jannie-- the books look really, really cute. Also, thanks for sharing your thoughts on the Surtex show in the previous post.
You are building a very excellent library Jannie. Always adore your work.
Having a nickname, or "petname" can be all part of the fun I think. In my case I only use Pickledog on my blog, and promote professionally by my name, but I made that division from the start, so I didn't have an established brand as in your case with Chicken Girl. If you do switch domain names you can always continue to have a fun Chicken Girl theme to your web site.
One advantage to using your own name is that it makes it easier for people to search for you on the web if they happen to get your name from one of your awesome books.
congratulations on the new books & the website, jannie. i haven't visited in a while. you've been busy!
Hello, I have secretly followed your posts for some time. I remember you by the name of chickengirl but I think your real name is easy to remember too. Maybe, it doesn't matter which one you choose to stick with. I'm sure people will recognize you either way because you already have unique style :-)
Jannie: It's neat because even my Kindergartners have noticed different artists' styles after being pointed out to them so much. Everyone loves your style so I don't think it will matter if you go by your "real name" now. :) I'll still think of you as Chickengirl, but I totally understand the professional aspect of using your real name. Your unique style will continue to be obvious, though. Pickledog made some good comments about using your professional name...makes a lot of sense. LOVE your newest book about Christmas!
That's quite a line up! Very impressive. Your new books look really great. We'll definitely get the reindeer one.
I took a look :)
your books looks great, coloured and funny!
Wow, this is so gorgeous and impressive. My kids LOVE the Ghoul Bus so I am anxious to see your Christmas holiday story.
About your name, I think it is fun and catchy... suitable to your bright and fun work. If you are happy with it then keep it since you already have made a great name for yourself with this moniker.
Thanks for sharing!
Fantastic! More Chicken Girl/Jannie Ho books to buy!!! Your site looks great too, btw. Also, I agree with Alicia that Chicken Girl is a great handle, but it's good that more people connect your name with your art as well.
thanks, Jannie! hey, what's the back cover of Reinder Rebellion look like? I'm doing the cover of my book right now , so I'm just looking at different backs to get ideas.
You´re new books are looking great.
Especially the reindeer rebellion. And I also visited your updated website... very lovely.
These books look like a scream! A must buy!
Great work.thanks for sharing
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