Spoiler alert! This is the final spread from my latest picture book,
The Great Reindeer Rebellion. Santa and the striking reindeers make up in the end...and I thought it was pretty cool that I got to draw Santa and the reindeers chillin' in the hot tub.
But there was something that had to be taken out though.

Its only a mere suggestion....can you tell what it is? I thought kids would find this funny if they found this little detail!
Surely reindeers fart too?

But the editors caught it and there was some discussion about it. In the end, it was swapped out with a reindeer blowing bubbles with a straw instead. Wahhh...noooo...not my my farting reindeer! I would love to hear your thoughts....offensive, or not? I really do not mean any harm.
So here is the inside story! If you get this book and read this to your kids, be sure to tell them about it, hee hee! Oh well, at least I got to draw a topless Santa.
I've been so incredibly happy that many people have been telling me about their sightings of the book or have bought it for their kids. Thank you so much, it really makes my day! A special thanks to Carrie-Anne for writing a great
review about the book over at her blog!
I think I already told you, my son was all for the flatulent reindeer.
Hilarious! Too bad you didn't get away with it.
OMG that is awesome! LOL, I love your farting reindeer!!hahaha :o)
I'm sure that is an amazing book. Your art rocks and seems perfect for this. There is so much humor on your art!!
I want to get my copy. I have to wait till i travel to the US though because there is lots of problems with the mail here nowadays. Oh well..
Congratulations Jannie!!!
Not offensive! Kids would have thought it was a riot I'm sure. I did! haha!
Man! I can't believe they got rid of the farting reindeer. Kids love all things related to farting, pooping and all that good stuff. ha ha. What a drag. Oh well. Final piece looks awesome anyway, even with a straw
I don't see how that is offensive, if I was still a kid I would find it hilarious....heck I still do!
too funny, jannie! i personally think it's hilarious and i bet kids would, too. i can see editors worrying about stuff like that, though. that's their job! thanks for sharing, the book looks fantastic!
I loved the farting reindeer idea! My first thought was that now the reindeer was drinking the hot tub water (and to me that sounds more gross than farting!), so hopefully the kids understand that he was blowing bubbles with a straw. No drinking the tub water, kids! Blech!
I love it and I think they missed the boat on the farting reindeer. Although to be fair, it would have to work with the tone of the overall story, but something tells me that the tone of this story would easily accommodate a farting reindeer. :) AWESOME WORK!!!!! :) :) :) Can't wait to get the book. Is it coming out soon? Or is this going to be released in the future?
Now you know I loved the idea of the farting reindeer when I first saw it (and I'll bet they did too), but if I had been an editor on this book, I would have made the same call. "Better to be safe than sorry", I'm sure they said to themselves. But maybe it could be the subject of a new book: "Ernie the Farting Reindeer". You could pull something like that off in your sweet style and zany side-humor!
Bummer! I think the farting reindeer was so funny! Good for your for not editing yourself and trying it anyway. Better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission!
Hey thanks for all the farting support...lol!!!
Kathy- yes, the book is out now..I'm very excited about it!
Paula- what a great idea- I should write my OWN story about a farting reindeer. Yesssssss!!!
It's really lovely! I wouldn't want a farting reindeer I must admit ;)
Hi Jannie!
Sorry I have been out of touch! I just bought your book yesterday! It's great! Hope you have a great holiday!
What better way to be a rebellious reindeer than fart in the water! You should finalize this illustration and auction it off for a flatulant fee...oops...I mean flat fee...hahah Great work!
heee heee, thats so cute and funny
I love the farting! Too bad you had to take it out. My boys would have loved it! My youngest requested and received a remote control farting bear for Xmas one year. You should have seen the look on Santa's face when he asked for it!
I don't have kids yet, but I gotta believe they'd love that. Very funny, I'm sorry you had to change that.
By the way, I wanted to tell you, I spotted the book at Lowe's and quickly bought it. I had planned to go to a book store but who knew I'd find it at the hardware store. They have a limited selection too, so I thought it was pretty special. Nice book!
Heheh, I think it's hilarious! We all fart! :D :D
i like the farting deer too! i must admit we have a holiday farting contest with the family when we are all together. i know, festive! so maybe i'm not the best to judge... he he
That's too bad about loosing the farting reindeer. I know my kids would have spotted it (before me) and would have loved it. That's such a kid thing. Thanks for sharing the sketch :-) I'm going to show my kids and I'm sure it will be tonight's bath conversation (and re-enactment)
Oh and thank YOU so much for the review link and of course the wonderful book. A new Christmas favourite in our house.
You are on fire! Such great work Jannie!
I'm working on a christmas book at the moment and got to draw reindeers in a pool too-- but didn't think of them farting!!! Don't think my editor would have gone for that either, but I reckon it's hilarious and I think kids would too!!!
Wonderfully hilarious and great designs too!
Haha! I really like the naughty version, it reminds me when Pumbaa, Timone and Simba joining in a 'Jacuzzi' time.... arghhkkkk.. haha!
Ha ha ha! At least the reindeer didn't pee in the pool! Ha ha ha!!!
Oh, I LOVE your farting reindeer... and the fart bubbles seems innocent enough...and I'm sure kids would have found it to be hysterical. Thanks for sharing it with us. ;)
Farting! Definitely farting would be my choice! The reindeer farting and their expressions are hilarious!!! Not offensive at all. It's so funny, too, because I just finished a book about Benjamin Franklin's writings called, "Fart Proudly." The book looks amazing and the revised version is equally adorable.
This book looks so fun! I will have to purchase it! I read to about 40 kids every day after they do homework and before they work on art..
Jannie, I thought the farting reindeer was funny, especially with his OOPS look on his face :) I agree with what is written above...at first I thought the deer was DRINKING the water which is way more gross than farting. Who in the world has a straw and blows bubbles in the hot tub??? EVERYone has the potential to cut the cheese in the hot tub, though! They just were too cautious which I think actually takes away from your creative illustration at the end.
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