Thanks to the interview, it got me thinking about my journey into becoming an illustrator. It feels like it was only a little while ago that I was just starting out, and before I knew it, there were some pretty cool jobs coming in. People started to say they know my work. (I'm still pretty shocked when I hear that.) Artists emailing and asking ME for advice-which I try to give as much as possible. Funny thing is though, I'm still in my journey; I'm wondering how to get to the next step myself too.
I especially love the question, "what are your illustration goals for the future?" I've been asked that alot lately for reason, perhaps a question I'm asking myself too. One definite one is to write and illustrate my own childrens' books. Other goals are more abstract and scattered. The problem is, there are so many new and shiny things opened to illustrators; personally its more important that I focus on a few things rather than try everything.
I'm off to Tokyo next week for some major dose of inspiration; and when I get back I will be blogging plenty about it then. So stay tuned.
And another Chicken Girl Design digistamps release is coming up Monday! So I'll be back here to post that before I leave. Cluck cluck!
Thanks for sharing your process in the interview. Have fun in Japan!
Awesome! Have a fantastic trip!
Great interview! You gave some really informative answers, which can be hard to get out of artists sometimes. Thanks for sharing!
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