More chicken goodness! If you can believe it, this chicken toy set is about 1 inch in height. I found these at the Japanese grocery store, from one of those mystery toy boxes:

There are 1o sets you can get, but you dont know which one is inside the box. I've been wanting this chicken set (#7) for a while now, and I finally got it the other week! I was jumping up and down like a child, but I was so excited!

I need these things as an illustrator for inspiration, right? Right?
You absolutely need these. I get excited when I get the little ceramic figures out of the box of tea bags and they aren't nearly as cool as these.
Of course you need them...they inspire you :)!
never saw pretz with a chicken on it before, ur really starting to get a nice collection together here of chicks and other assorted barn yard animals; )
Bearuh: haha, I am glad to hear someone REALLY shares my enthusiasm for these! If you are near a Japanese grocery store you might be able to find them. The toy comes with a piece of gum too. Woohoo!
DANG!!! I dont have one of those stores. :( I am going to go cry now :( not really but I AM pretty disapointed in my town right now!!
Hey done crying now ;) How much does one of those cost? I looked on ebay and it is CRAZY how much they are.. like 20 bucks! Maybe you could sell them on ebay too!!
$20?!?!?!?!! Noooooooooo...Crazy Ebay!
I first saw these at Toy Tokyo here in NY, but they have a website!!:
They don't seem to have the same ones I have online but they do have the other cute Re-ment mini toy packs. If you do get them, take a pic and let me know what you got!!!
I ended up getting them at a Japanese grocery store for about $4. But I think they come at different price points...
cool thanks!! I will for sure take a pic of whatever I buy someday!! They are so awesome!! I dont know why but I ove little cute stuff.. I LOVEEEE kawaii stuff!!!!
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