I use to work as a designer at Scholastic book clubs years ago. As I worked on these book club catalogs, I had a dream that one day, one of my books would be in them. My name would be in the illustrator by-line.
That dream finally came true.

Here is the October Firefly book club catalog, where
The Mixed-Up Alphabet, a book I illustrated, is on page 4. It means alot to me because I know I am moving ahead towards all the goals and dreams I've set for myself. I better take a moment and acknowledge it.
A special thanks to
Kritty who told me she saw my book in the catalog and ordered it! I can't begin to express how much it means to me.
Tracy, who is a teacher, recommended it as a book pick in a newsletter she sends home to the kids. Holy smokes! WOW!
Thank you so much.
This reminded me of my newsletter to my kiddoes' parents last week. I'll have to send you a copy of it! (I sent the book orders home with the newsletter and your book was one of the "favorite picks" I suggested they buy!) I hope one day I can look in the book orders and find the book I hope to write/illustrate (OR both!) I still need practice practice practice! Congrats on the book...I know it has to make you feel SOOO wonderful!
Congratulations! That is awesome. Very well deserved.
AWW! That is so very cool, Jannie.
Yay! That's fantastic - congratulations :)
That's so great! Congratulations!!!
Congrats, Jannie!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO excited for you!!!!!!! What a wonderful feeling. :) If you reach for the moon, you'll at least reach the stars! You've reached your moon - and now you can plant NEW moons :)
Awesome news! Congrats!
Wow! Congrats Jannie. This is surely a great step towards many more things. I can see you with an entire collection/shelf one day in Chapters (a canadian book store similar to Barnes and Nobles)
Congrats! That is pretty coos stuff for a chicken! : )
Sweeeet! I am sure it won't be the last time you show up there, either!
Ran across your post last eve - ordered your book today!
Congrats - Michelle
a milestone, indeed, chickengirl!!!
I am just going thru my book order now! Can't wait to get this, jannie! Congrats, congrats, CONGRATS!!!!
Congratulations!...i must feel great to acomplish ones dreams...i'm so happy for you...
well deserved!
That is so cool! Congratulations!!
I've always loved the Scholastic book clubs catalog as a kid and still enjoy going through them when my son brings it home.
wow...good for you! I can't imagine how exciting that must be for you. way to go!!!
I am so proud of you!! I so believe in dreams coming true. I love that you got to see one come to life this week! You so deserve it.
Congrats on the book! Great work!
CONGRATULATIONS! :) I'm so happy for you. I use to look at those scholastic fliers over and over and over again when I was in grade school. So, yah!
Chickengirl.. I am SOOO excited for you!!! WOWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! I would be jumping up and down screaming lol! Im sure you did.. amazing! How did you do it? Was it hard? Did you just send the book in to them and they liked it? WOWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!
WICKED! Congratulations - how exciting for you. Frame that Scholastic order form.
You go girl! How awesome to have your book in there. I'm sure you will have many more. :) Great job!
opps missed this one but congradulations and u defiently deserve it
I am going to look for it when my son brings home his book order form. Congratulations!
Wow! Liam got this in his class this week. I must order it!
This is great Jannie! It's good to see you're reaching your goals!
Anette Heiberg
my etsy shop
Congratulations! I can remember looking through that catalog, good for you!
I'm not surprised a bit! I predict a very bright future for Jannie Ho the illustrator! Congrats, my friend! :)
That is just huge! I am so happy for you!! Very well deserved, indeed.
Hi Jannie. I've been keeping my eyes open for this one. Do you know when it will be available for purchase? I missed it in the mailer and have looked at Scholastic's website but cannot find it. It's too cute not to have, my kids need it. Ok, maybe mom their mom needs it. :)
Jenny: thank you! This book was out last year, I'm not sure if they will have it in the clubs again. But I have copies available if you are interested: $3 (+$2 US shipping). Its also available from third party sellers on amazon!
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