One reader will receive 1000 free business cards printing and one reader will receive one 18" x 24" canvas printing!
If you don't remember, I ended up printing these wacky coupon/business cards, which I will be using at the Surtex show:

So, alright, on to the good stuff!
How to Enter
1. Leave a comment at the end of the blog post, describing what you would use the free business cards and/or prints for.
1000 free standard size business cards for one reader and 1 free 18 x 24 canvas print for one reader.
You can choose from any of their stocks for these items.
Winners in the United States and Canada qualify for free shipping. Shipping fees will apply to winners outside these areas.
I will pick 2 winners randomly on Friday, March 6th. Please make sure that I have a way to contact you if you win. Good luck, everyone!
Hi Chickengirl! Thanks for the cool giveaway!
I´m in urgent need to print my own business cards and I´ll definitely use them to send with the purchases in my shop!
oh how sweet!!! I would use the business cards for handouts to clients ....and the print would be a gift for my wonderful Mom who always supports me and my art....she is one of my biggest fans....
Have a wonderful day!!!
I was just going to comment on how fun and clever your business cards are but I'll take the bonus entry:)
How fun, I love giveaways :) and I LOVE your business cards, but you knew that already ;)
I would use those free business cards to make a nice note to send my lovely customers along my prints.
Pick me! Pick me!
Oh Chickengirl, you're too kind.
If only I had a printout to showcase my illos at SCBWI conferences and more slick business cards to hand out and toss on the floor around the space like Las Vegas call cards (no I've never)
I would use the business cards or handout sheets as have a reason to contact new clients and current for new projects. That and I did love those biz cards ya did. Very nice indeed
OH wow!!!
What a great idea!!! I'm in desperate need for business cards for the upcoming children bookfair in Bologna...I was going to print them but..Oh, well, I'll cross my fingers and wait 'till March 6! :p
...And by the way...You're business cards are GORGEOUSSSS!!!
I love, love your work Jannie! Saw this on Holli Conger's blog via Twitter...I would use the business cards to promote my new art studio/storefront gallery opening this spring here in Chicago!!!
Great giveaway! I'd use them to help spread world peace - and by that I'd put happy illustrations on them and and pass them out :)
Coupons - you are soooo creative! I'd use the business cards in a mailing to clients and hoped-for clients and also to hand out at conferences. The print would be decoration for my studio. Thanks for hosting this terrific giveaway!
What a great giveaway! I could really use these. Since changing my website name I haven't been able to purchase any new business cards and I hand these out randomly to people when conversing about my art, I send them along with my paintings when people make a purchase and I leave them here there as advertising. Crossing my fingers! Bok!!
it's really funny... I dont't think I understand all the stuff, but I would use my Business cards to give away to the parents of the little friends of my daughter - because it's difficult to get contact... and also for business, to give to some Editors who loves my Ninons! ^^
sorry for my bad english... ^^ I love your work soooo much! thanxxx
First, I love your business cards. So cool!
Second, I would use the business cards to update my current ones (just in time for a show I'm doing in April).
I'd probably use mine as plain old business cards, or calling cards! I think it was the Little House on the Prairie books that intrigued me about calling cards.
I would use the business cards as a little piece of art to give to people to remember me and be inspired. I take peoples business cards and post them on my inspiration wall. Some of them are just delicious and fun! As for the print, there are no two ways about it. I'd hang that baby in my living room right over the sofa where everyone could see it! he he he he! I just love give-a-ways. Thanks for sharing.
I love uprinting.com! I use them for my postcards. They do a great job, becoming a customer isn't a hugely involved process, uploading/proofing are easy, and their selections and prices are great, too. I am getting ready to order another few batches of postcards from them. If I were to win business cards, that would be sweet. I would use them for, well, myself. If I were to win a canvas print, I would draw a special portrait of my little niece and nephew who live very far away. But even if I don't win these things here, as soon as I have funds I'm going to make them happen anyhow!
Fabulous!! I would love to print my image "Beelieve" on canvas, so that it will encourage Happy Beeings every where.
Oooh what a neat giveaway! I would definitely use the free bus. cards to finally get some printed for my artwork/etsy shop. And the print would be awesome too, I'd probably use it as a gift for my hubby.
I could definitely use new cards - I printed my current ones when I was a student (7 years ago) and they don't even have my website on them.
As for the print, I'd frame it and give it to my hubby. He's very supportive :)
I've been printing my own business cards for years. Time to grow up and get them printed. Of course, then I have to pick one image.
Wow - the perfect giveaway! I actually need to redo my business cards AND have a large print/poster printed - both for the upcoming New England SCBWI conference.
Wow! I am almost out of cards!!! I would use them to promote the art classes I teach and for handing out when I do shows.
I would use the business cards (or handout sheets) to help the cause of chickens illustrators. There are many talented chickens in the world - but they don't have the money to promote themselves. With the help of these prints,I will fight the stereotype of chickens as dumb animals. I am preparing also some material for a conference I have in mind, to help the cows aviators. But this is another story.
Sweet! I wish I could win the business cards, I need them and I already have a new design in mind.
Did you print yours on both sides, Jannie? I love that, as I have a pattern made of kitties from the back.
Thank you for this opportunity and congrats for your partnership :)
oh I want to win i want to win I want to win!! heeee
I love this giveaway! My daughter's birthday is on the 6th! Let's see if her b-day brings me any luck...
I would use the 1000 biz cards to promote, promote and promote my work! -- Handing them out to clients, shipping them with my work, mailing them as part of promo materials. (I may also build a castle out of them, just to see if it would stand!)
The print, I would donate it to many of the silent auction fundraisers I participate in locally. The money collected would go to a good cause!
how cute is this??? you go, jannie!!
a : )
Bonjour Chickengirl !
I am planning to get married this summer. As wedding favors, I was thinking of luggage tags for my guests - they would be a business cards (with wedding poster illustration on one side and space to write their address on the other side) slipped into clear luggage tags.
Hi Chickengirl,
Love the idea for the give-away. I would love a way to promote my cut paper illustration style. My current business cards feature my portraits. I look forward to reading about your Surtex experience, Good Luck, bok-bok,
Hey Chickengirl!
I would use new business cards to get a jump start on really promoting myself and my illustrations, and stop using "well, I don't have a business card yet" as my excuse.
The poster print would be perfect for the alphabet illustration I'm doing for our baby due in August!
What a great giveaway! I desperately need to update my business cards, but have not gotten the chance to do so. This would definitely give me a reason!
I heart your blog & work btw. :o)
I would customize the business cards as thank you/leave behinds on behalf of my son when he starts receiving gifts for birthdays/holidays. The canvas print would be a collage of his favorite cartoon characters for his room. Thanks for hosting this exciting contest!
What a great idea and glad you have been so please with your results. That speaks volumes when looking for a reputable printer.
Since I am currently unemployed (due to impact of the recession) this would provide me with a valuable tool to introduce myself, my professional talents, and expertise. Thanks Jannie!
What a great giveaway!! I am starting my new graphic design business and I would use the business cards for handouts to any potential new client. The canvas print will be used for a gift to a great friend.
Thanks Chickengirl, I love your blog and artwork.
This is so generous of you. I will use the business cards to hand out to potential clients and also just for networking. The poster print, I will give to my mother inlaw who is also an artist but cannot paint anymore because of Alzheimer.
my email is : madonna@madonnaart.com
Hi Jannie!
This is awesome!
If I was to win the business cards, they could not come at a better time. I just revised my entire identity and I need to create marketing materials with my NEW logo on them. I really need business cards and have not ordered them yet. Since I will be using them for every facet of my business instead of having separate business cards for each segment of my business previously, 1000 of them is not an outrageous amount.
If I was to win the print, I would jump for joy at having my very own Jannie Ho print. That is the first thing I would do. The second thing I would do is get it framed by my sister who is a professional fine art framer, and then I would find a place of honor to hang it in my home. Then I would take a picture of it and send it to Jannie with a BIG "Thank You".
Oh -- woops -- I see that the print is of anything I want, by UPrinting. In that case, I would use it to test out a new idea I have! :)
Thanks again Jannie :)
whoo hoo! Count me in. Thanks for the giveaway.
i would use the business cards to put my new married name on. I have been married over a year but still haven't been able to get around to getting ones that say Candace Trew Camling instead of just Candace Trew.
Now...the canvas print would be of one of my favorite pieces to hang up in my studio to remind myself that I CAN do it! I would probably pair the illustration with a nice inspirational quote.
I would use my business cards to promote my art for an upcoming solo show I have during Chicago Artist's Month, and/or to promote my services as a volunteer youth worker who provides public outdoor art workshops.
I would use the print as a donation to help out some worthy charity, or give it to my husband for his office as a thank you for doing all of the business cards and print work that I've needed in the past.
PS - I think you coupon business cards are very clever!
What a great idea for business cards. Your work is so much fun.
Since I'm always looking for inexpensive ways to advertise myself, I'd send the cards with every manuscript and dummy that I send out and hand out to potential clients. The print would be for one of my cute boy's rooms.
How nice, Jannie! Will you be choosing by a random drawing or based on what I say? Anyway, just got a short run of business cards for an event, but definitely could use a bunch more! I haven't done up new cards in years so this would set me up for a good while. My first thought for use was to say I'd put them in those bowls at restaurants where they draw a business card for a free meal. Yeah...No. : ) They would be for promotion and finally haveing something to give people when they ask what I do. As for the poster, I have never done up anything of mine in a poster so I would probably give it to my husband for his 5oth. He'd love that!
What a generous give away!
I think if I won, I would try out the canvas print for promo purposes. Fun!
If I had it together enough to have a bus card designed right now, I'd would no doubt, have a compelling reason for having them printed, hee hee.
However, just came by to say, I remember your coupon cards! So clever you are, and so sweet to pay it forward with a giveaway.
Good luck to all. There are some talented, well deserving folks out there. It would be hard to pick!
I would use the business cards for business...since I am way overdue to print some up... and the print would be for sheer beautification of the blandest wall in the house!
Your work is great! Like everyone else I also think your idea is wonderful. I am starting a new business to help small businesses and the communities that support them and that they support. Even better what I offer is free to small businesses. Trying to do my part to help the economy. So business cards would be a blessing.
I would love to win them but good luck to everyone!
Wow! Great giveaway. I will use my winnings to advertise my etsy shop where I sell my original paintings and prints.
Thanks for doing this!
I'd use them for kritty[dot]com, of course. I would hope it would finally get me to DESIGN new ones. My present cards are, yawn, boring.
:) giveaways are fun!
I was just thinking that I am due for a business card update! And hmm, the print would be nice too... I've been scanning a lot of paintings lately and thinking about juxtaposing them with texts, to make inspirational posters. This would be a great incentive to get on with that idea!
ps. This is my first visit to your blog - I like what I see! I'll be back!
Hi ! :)
What a great giveaway!
I'd use them for my first business cards as an "illustrator", I’ll send them to prospective clients and also to my blogger friends!
Hello, Thank you for the giveaway!!!
I would use my own business cards to handout to everyone I know and start making my own business. I would be really thrilled if I could get this.
Thank you
What a great giveaway....and so practical.
I'd use them not only as tags to accompany my artwork, but would include a card with each purchase!
Nova Scotia CANADA
Yippee! My business cards need updating. I have to write my blog and etsy shop on each one.
I could sure use them for HatchMarket this Spring. Thanks!
And a canvas print would be divine!
Oooo giveaways! I'd like some new business cards to promote by illustration and design services. :)
Hi, Chick! I love your business! It's funny, too! Like your art!
Love your sense of humor. Glad you are having this giveaway. I can't wait until the 6th... well, I can wait. Only 2 days.
hmmmm...delicious new business cards to promote my pretty wool gloves. To spread the word of KnitTwits so that every man, woman and child is clad head to toe in woolen goods. Knitting is taking over the world didn't you know?
(just found you blog via Amy Cartwright...lovely)
oooh what a fun and generous giveaway - I would do my own business cards and put one of my designs on the print, I have always wanted to do that, we have a big empty wall and it would be good to put something up there!
(but I would NOT use comic sans for the cards!)
Someone getting married soon! How's it going!
Jannieeee xD
I'd love to have my own cards, but I'd also love to gift them to a friend of mine xD
They look great. I would use the business cards to send out and the print would look great on my wall! Thanks, you're work is fantastic.
Wow, I just got back from my vacation just in time!
What a nice thing to do. Just love your coupons. I desperately need business cards and have never had really fun creative ones with artwork on them.
Saw that you will be at Surtex this year! Hope to meet you in person, Jannie!
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