But it isn't.
These are the printer copies that I received, but it won't be coming out in Fall 09. If I am lucky, it might be on the Spring 2010 list. But it is uncertain for now.
For the past few weeks, I've been hearing more layoff news than ever before. Old colleagues, friends, many people I know are getting the pink slip. One of the biggest shockers is when I heard Nickelodeon Magazine is going to close down. I use to work there as a designer and it saddens me that many of the long time staff there will be losing their jobs.
Personally, I am surviving in this economy. But of course all the news around me worries me a little. I'm generally positive though, still churning out new art, still promoting myself, still keeping hope that there are still new businesses to be had.
How is the bad economy effecting you and your attitude for your business?
I am sorry to hear about your book but glad you have a positive attitude towards the future. good luck!
Hope your book will make it for the Spring 2010. It looks very fun :) Right now (as I cross my fingers) the economy hasn't effected much- well I teach art to military kids in Japan and art and English to Japanese children, marketing my stuff- it seems military is usually safe as far as income is consernced.... but not safety... Japanese Economy I am not sure about yet. Good luck- hope you hear some good news from Surtex :)
first - cover looks cute and I'm really curious what's inside...
second...hmmm it's nothing new that is a bit harder now (all because of you - stupid Americans hahahaha ;)
but to be honest I don't feel big changes in Poland - always was not so easy and it's still like this :)
compering with US our publishing market doesn't exist. Maybe I'm not so talented but for me is extremely hard to ind some commissions for illustrations :( - but trust me it's not because of economical crisis
hahaha you must have strong sense of humor to live here, in Poland :D
but serious - f**k economy, do something cute :)
for me, i'm fortunate to be signed to long term deals on 2 chapter book titles (nd & fs), but i'm guessing that a picture book that i did last january has been pushed back to 2010. so, all in all, things are going smoothly for me.
still, my main concern is for the editors & art directors who have patiently worked with me for years. they've all been wonderful.
i'd hate to see them rotated to different departments or, worse, let go (it's already happened in some cases). they've been a blessing for me & in a way these relationships are also keeping my foot in the publishing world.
The books look great. So sorry they've been postponed. I recently got some similar news. But I suppose it's better if our books are released when the economy is better. Although still disappointing. :(
so sorry to hear that but don't worry ...things will get better....
and having a positive outlook always helps...
It looks wonderful!!!
Hey Jannie, So sorry to hear about your book delay - let's hope it's just a bump on the road for the title, it looks so cute! Stickers AND a poster, fun!!!
I picked the perfect time to have a baby and really not be able to do much work anyway. Although, I actually turned down a book job the week before I had him (first time I did that, yikes!) and have completed a few assignments since. The last 2 postcard mailings generated zilch for me which is disappointing since that's really where most of my clients come from. If I wasn't being a mommy full time I'd say my work load would be the same as usual. I'm glad you've been weathering it well too.
The book looks great, Jannie! Good to hear that you are weathering the economy out OK. :) As far as me personally, besides the fact I'm getting a divorce during the worst time right now, I am a teacher and as far as I know, there's a demand for me :) As long as people keep popping out babies, I guess my job is pretty secure. But I still have "dreams" of writing and illustrating. Maybe now it would have to just be an on-the-side thing instead of something I persued full time. Thanks for visiting me! Your posts always brighten my day as do your adorable illos!
Sorry about your title being pushed back. I agree with most that it's just a bump on the road and your positive outlook is right. I was reading an article somewhere that compared this era to the 90s and 70's when the publishing world went through a lot of restructuring, but all in all they considered publishing a recession safe industry. According to this article things will look up for Spring 2010. --Let's hope they are right if things don't improve sooner.
Based on many publisher's projections for this year, I made the decision to delay my mailers and refine my craft. I do plan on sending mailers in August.
I a call from Scholastic a couple of months ago and many of the people that I've worked with have gotten the axe. They are really down to bare bone as wel. They have cut back on even some of there free publications like the magazine I did illustrations for. Read and Rise was a magazine given out to children of the inner city who really didn't get a chance to get books and magazines. This really made me sad cause it something that really touched my heart in so many way. Some of these kids don't get to take a book home or even have books at home of their own and now this is taken away from them too??? I feel I need to create my own version of a magazine. Now this news about Nick. WOW!!! My husband has been out of work since 911. Most of the jobs have gone over seas and that's a bummer, but I believe what doesn't kill you fattens you. It has really stretched me as an illustrator. I had to get out and fine an agent and work on my craft to hone it. I can say that if my husband hadn't lost his job I might have never became a children's book illustrator and author. I was content to have him go out and if I did some artwork it was fine and if I didn't it was okay. That ain't the case no more. The economy will bounce back I know and I know that we will too.
The book looks adorable, great job! I do hope it gets published in 2010. Not really that far off... :)
The downturn of the economy is a great time to work on new projects and prepare for the upswing. I too am staying as positive as possible.
How bad is it..so true. But I think you are doing great Jannie :)
Hey, I am doing a free fruity raffle, stop by my blog, if you wish and participate, if not, let people know :)
Fantastic & Happy work as always!
Marjorie Ann
Wah!! We need this book! It's so timely!
I love your work! Sorry your book is postponed, but economy may be in better shape by 2010. Shame that Nickelodeon Mag is closing. Appreciate reading your post here. My work has slowed down (mural biz & commercials i paint sets on) but I am lucky it is still there. Was hoping to break into illustration & licensing and my timing seems terrible. Sooooo many are completely out of work and really struggling, I can't complain. Think artists learn to hang in there, too & find ways to keep going!!
Wow, I'm glad you're still hanging on. I'm seeing stores going out of business all around me & it's really sad. I'm lucky that I'm not the bread winner & my husband has a good job and he's needed. I'm sure if I was still working at Disneyland I'd have been laid off by now. ouch Keep on chicken!
I’m sorry your book has been postponed yet I’m glad to know you are doing fine! Positive Attitude is of so much help in difficult times as these! I’m lucky to have a job, but I guess my plans to relocate will have to wait.I wish you the best and pray the economy will be in better shape next year! XD
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