Last August, I wrote
this post about submitting a sample for a bible story assignment and not getting the job. But something good came out of it: a few months later, I got an assignment from another publisher to do this
Play n Worship: Play-Along Bible Stories for Toddlers & twos. I got a box of samples of it last week. (In case you were wondering, I did not do the pink character that is on the front.)
Here is the back of the box, with samples of spreads I did the illustrations for.

Inside of the kit, it comes with a CD, DVD, and 10 storytime teaching trifolds.

Here is Noah's Ark!

I had fun AND learned alot from this one!
They accepted your JC lol!
That is so cute! What a fun project.
oh what a wonderful project Jannie!!! looks great and you have to love all the great samples!!!
Wow! I love Noah's story.
Congrats Chicken Girl.
I guess it's about God's timing...timing is right!
The box is beautiful and full of wonder and I am so happy for you.
The other day, i just went to my local Christian bookshop to read Noah's story from different children publishers. It'was fun and what a coincident, that today I read about your heartfelt sharing.
If you are willing, God is helping!
You got a strong will!
Keep it up chickengirl!
Congratulations! Another example of the good that comes from persevering!
ADORABLE, Jannie! (And I knew right away that you didn't make the character on the front...I know your style, girl! :) )Congrats!
I was completely blown away, very nice designs.
These are wonderful, Jannie! Who's the publisher?
Hey, thanks everyone!
Paula, it is published by Group Publishing.
What a neat project! Looks great!
This is wonderful! What a fantastic addition to your portfolio. Colorful and charming. Thanks for sharing.
Very Cute! Check out my blog I am doing a giveaway to celebrate Nikki Shoemaker's new book, "What's Wrong with Mud"
I read the teaching concept, it is GooD! Great job.. :)
ChickenGirl.. I was wondering if you could give me a little advice on illustrating a picture book. Do you know how many pages minimum and maximum it needs to be or what size/proportions the illustrations need to be? The illustrations would be hand painted. I wonder If I could make the illustrations as small as I want just as long as I can scan them to be as big as needed? Thanks!!! Hope your move is going well! We are moving ourselves.. just put the house up for sale :)
Thank you, everyone :-)
Thanks for dropping by my blog, Squirrel Girl! To answer your questions, a picture book is typically 32 pages. When you do you art, you always want to do it to actual size or bigger if you are going to hand paint it. Then when you scan the art, it will have better resolution.
Best of luck to your book! And to your move too! :-)
Thanks so much ChickenGirl for letting me know about how many pages a picture book should be! Do you know how big I should make the pictures? Or does that vary from publisher to publisher? I know that I want to illustrate it myself so should I make all of the illustrations first or should I make a few samples and send them a long with the text to the publisher first.. until they tell me what size the illos need to be? Thanks!!! I owe you! ^_^
What a lovely illo! Congrat!
These are wonderful illos as always! Great job Jannie. I love the colors and your style is always SO FUN!!! ^_^
what a great project...your work looks awesome! Congratulations!
oh my gosh this is so so cute.
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