I'm thrilled to be a contributor for this
comics anthology that
Friends of Lulu put out to promote female comic artists. There was a book release party this week and I finally got my copy! The hilarious cover is by
Miss Lasko-Gross, with more than 50 female cartoonists contributing.
The title is The Girls' Guide to Guys' Stuff and here is my contribution. Looks a little different that my usual work because I used a real brush and ink with this one!

I was also fortunate enough to do the cover art for their last anthology. This was back in 2003.

Its amazing to see how my art has evolved since 4 years ago!
Hey that is soooo awesome! Congrats! Very very cool!
Funny chicken strip...not chicken strip food from restaurant, but chicken cartoon strip! :) CUTE! **BURP!** Excuse me!
Very cool, Jannie! I wish I could read it though. Is this posted elsewhere on your blog in a larger size? I love the cover you did for the earlie anthology. How did you get involved with Lulu?
Thanks everyone!
Paula- Thanks! Yes, I should really post the entire story somewhere! Its a condensed version in the anthology...its actually 17 pages...its alot so maybe I will post on flickr.
I know the editor from the last anthology and I was very flattered when he asked me to do the cover art. I guess thats how I got involved! :-)
Wow. You are such a Rock Star, Jannie! :) You keep me on the edge of my seat with all of your cool works and projects!!!
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