I made a house tissue cover! The awesome pattern is by
My Paper Crane from book
The Crafters Companion. I basicly picked up this book mainly because of this pattern. So cute. The chimney was a little tough to put on though.
Here is a 2D version:

I originally wanted to make a bunch of these fabric collages and sell them. But now I am not so sure. I am, however, taking steps to open an etsy shop. I have some fun stuff in the works! More soon.
this is definitely the cutest tissue box i've ever seen!
ohhhh. that is sooo cute. wow! Really cute and actually really funny, too!! I wanna play, too! I wish I lived closer to you.. like down the hall.. and we could do this together. You'd say, "ya wanna make one of those houses where ya pull a tissue out of the chimney?" And I'd say, "okay! Sounds fun to me!"
And we'd do it. Though, like you said, the chimney would be a bit tricky.
I'm going to NYC in December again. I'll be lookin' for you walkin' along the street with your HelloKitty sewing machine. MathBoy will be walkin' with you in his rooster suit. I won't miss you!!
Can't wait!
Neat little fabric house tissue dispenser, love how it encorporates the tissue as the smoke from the chimney. Nice work as usual.
Thanks, all!
Shawn: haha, its hard to miss two chickens walking down the street :-) Its so funny because I picture you as your character on your blog banner. I will look out for you too!
I totally would want you to make one of these! Although I have to say when you pull the tissue the whole cover kinda comes off the box, hehe, but its Ok since its so cute.
Hi Chickengirl! You're one rockin' blogger and I love your work! Drop by my site and receive your award!
This house is great!! What a lovely fac!
Very cute!!! I like your fabric choices. I love that book!
I wish I had creative people like you near me to motivate me more.
well you sure charmed me! I love them!
I love the little fabric collage. Be sure to tell us all when you open that etsy shop!
Cool work! Very neat!
hahaha, that tissue box is just darling!
Yes, let us know when your etsy shop is up and running.
Oooh I'd definitely want an original Chicken Girl item! Cute cute cute!
That could cure a cold it's so cute!
so super sweet! i love the combination of fabrics, they work really well!
This is so cool! I love the idea of using the tissue as part of the design. I wonder what else you could come up with? Maybe like a dragon breathing smoke? or maybe a chicken with the tissue being like the rooster comb?
these are great very ctreative and nicley done. and in answer to u question no the pic is something i drew from my head, but i have seem lots of places like it on the east coast: michael dailey
ps nice to know u enjoy sake w/your sashimi and other things ; )
well, this is just plain awesome.
This is super cute! I would love one of these! Good work!
Hi Jannie. Congratulations. You have been nominated. Please visit my blog.
This makes me want to learn how to sew! Then again, if you ever sell this, I'd rather just buy it. My sewing skills are so bad. No patience...
I'm giving you the most cutest tissue box ever award. I love the sweet face on your house. And the collage is so pretty!
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