A deliciously wrapped surprise package came to me last week from fellow illustrator and blog friend
Andi Butler...its a chicken rubber stamp! You ROCK, Mrs. B!!! She also included a CD with some hilarious chicken songs and clucking sounds, it really made my day. Rooster Math Boy and I were dancing around the living room listening to it. Thank you for your thoughtfulness.
I can see how rubber stamps are quite popular these days, I see people at various blogs are making their own. So fun!
Hi Jannie...what a wonderful surprise...and I love the way you took that photo with the multiple stamps ...perfect for IF this week...lol "Mulitple"
Well just popping by on my nightly stroll and wishing you all the best...
Hi Jannie,
How cute!! By the way I do not know what my deal was but somehow I thought I put you on my blogroll and noticed I forgot so now you are offically on my blogroll !
OMG!That stamp is so cute!
fun, fun, fun!! so glad you're enjoying it, such chicken silliness all around! take care!
a : )
What a perfect present! I'd be tempted to stamp everything within reach if it was me! :)
What an adorable stamp. Andi is so thoughtful. Thanks for sharing it.
Also, I hope you don't mind, I'm passing the "I love you this much" award your way, because you rock.
OHH You know I love stamps!! And this is so cute!!
Awesome. I try my hardest to not get hooked on rubber stamps. They're so cool!
that is FANTASTIC! i have a rockin' chicken mix that I would love to send to you!
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