Amanda was kind enough to write some thoughts about each fabulous entry. Please head over there and take a look!
There will be a limited edition print run of this, so stay tuned and hope you will get a copy! In the meanwhile, I'll be using mine to work on that children's book idea thats been on my mind. Thank you, Leeza-for making such a fabulous product for creatives.
This is awesome... Too bad you can't draw worth a lick and have to keep using those darn computer elves... I mean chickens :)
*nudge, nudge, wink, wink
Jannie - Congrats on winning the contest! I knew you would and you soooo deserved it! I love your design and am thrilled to be getting some of the books with your design on the cover! I am quite happy to have gotten 2nd place and to be in the company of such a talented group is very exciting!
Congrats jannie!!!!! Don't surprise me. You know your work ROCKS!!!!!
Congratulations! What a great illustration. Very nice!
Congratulations - it looks wonderful :) I think I am going to have to buy another one, now that it has been chicken styled!
Congratulations! This is gorgeous! I just love your work!
Congratulations!!!! -i loved this illo from the moment i saw it the 1st time...great you won! you deserve it and much more :)
congrats Jannie...great cover...I enjoy your work !!!
congrads Jannie,
I love this illustration, very creative! I also love the colors.
Keep up the great work!
woohooo! congrats chickengirl!
yey! Congrats!! Woohoo!
Primo idea! Congrats!
Congratulations!!! Great job. :)
Congratulations! Doesn't surprise me either. Your work is really special, fun and downright cute as hel.. heck!
Congratulations! Your work is always wonderful! :)
congrats! :-)
Congratulations and of course you had my vote all along! :)
Congrats to you, Jannie!! I GOTTA get my paws on a TJD with your design on it!!! WAY COOL!! I can't wait!!
I am using my first TJD notebook tonight on a project. It's a great tool. So happy Leeza created it!!
Wow, that is amazing work!
Yay! I hoped yours would win! I thought it was the most fun design....so colorful and dynamic. Looks like I'll have to order one now. :)
(BTW, as the owner of one of the TJD sketchbooks, I can attest to how handy and versatile they are. Everyone should get one. They're a great price!)
Oh, and I'm glad you like my I-Fri chicken. :p
awesome, yay! congrats!
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