After browsing at a few books, I ended up with Sams Teach Yourself Adobe Flash CS3 Professional in 24 Hours. So far so good, I finished "Hour 1." I'm not a complete newbie in Flash (maybe an advanced newbie) but everything sure looks intimidating when I haven't touched it in years.
Hopefully I can start posting some things here as I am learning. Thank goodness for this blog to keep me accountable. Maybe I'll get somewhere by the end of this year.
Good for you!
My goal is to learn something that you work with well...ILLUSTRATOR!
The pen tool gave me heart palpitations but I'm slowly learning via lynda.com about the program.
I have given you the "You Make My Day" award. To see the details-check my blog. Thanks.
Roz, how awesome...good for you for learning Illustrator!!! I guess I'm feeling about Flash the same way you feel about Illustrator, but we can do it!
I highly recommend lynda.com for learning. For $25 a month, no commitment, you can watch movies that teach Flash, Photoshop and much more. A great tool, a great deal. I might have even edited some of the movies you'll see. Flash is very cool. I used to work with it and need to get back into it.
good luck with flash.. i've looked at it from afar.. but never looked at it in detail.. your style will work really well in flash.
Hi Jannie...
good for you!!!!
I have to learn something new one of these days...
Hey jannie
Let me know how this works out for you .. need to upgrade from GoLive and just can't ush myself into it yet!
PS: Wanna meet up at SCBWI - gotta say hi? Are you attending the Friday intensive?
GOOD LUCK CHICKEN GIRL! I have just started to relearn Flash after not touching it for 5 years! I'm using it to animate my characters and put together an animation series for myself.
I found the video tutorials at www.keyframer.com and www.cartoonsolutions.com/store/catalog/Free-Tutorials-sp-29.html
ideal for learning character animation. Hope this helps!
So cool that you are learning Flash. I bet you'll do some fantastic stuff once you get going.
I'd like to learn it as well. Do keep us posted on your progress!
I admire you, it can be such a chore learning software, even if it's just an upgrade from what you knew before.
ps thanks for your comment on our kids blog it made me laugh! :-)
Yay!! I am inspired now, I have Flash, no nothing about it!! I find myself in a situation where I need to learn a lot of things about a lot of things, so it's a good place to start! I may be emailing for consultations! : )
a : )
oh, you can get lynda podcasts on itunes gratis...
a : )
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