I've been working on a self promotion piece. Its actually for my page in
Picturebook 09. I decided that a circus theme would be fun, but I didn't realize how little I knew of the circus. I tried to jog my memories for reference but the only thing I thought of was going to see some sideshow freaks. I'll save that for later.

Hey, I'm starting to sketch on the computer! I actually did a very rough sketch, scanned it in, re-sketch this in photoshop. (I know, a bit ridiculous, but I had to start somewhere.) Still a little rough, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel where sketching digitally is possible. Cintiq here I come.

The composition was still bothering me from the sketch, but I thought I would go ahead and start on the color, and move things around a bit to my liking. And this is the final!
Thanks Jan! Step-by-step is always a great way to learn!!!
Big Hug!!
Jannie - I love it! So freah and fun...the clown pulling the lion's tail is brilliant! Did you color it in Photoshop, too or Illustrator?
Thanks, Zime!
Thanks, Nina! Its all in Illustrator.
LOL I love the clown pulling the lion's tail. Great cheerful illustration! :-)
love seeing your sketches!
great job once again!! I have a friend coming over tomorrow to show me how to make my designs look more painted on the Wacom!! yeah! Do not be intimidated by paint, it truly is the only way to really feel like picasso. As much as I like my new toy, you can never get that feeling of paint swirling like you do with a brush and canvas or in my case gouache and bristol!!
As always fun and colorful! Thanks so much for sharing the process Jannie!!
Hi Jannie...this is wonderful and so so cute...the clown is sweet
great work
How pretty and fun! :)
You are so freakin' talented! I love seeing the step by step process. This is absolutely wonderful!
Jannie, this is so adorable!! Sketching will get easier digitally, you're doing wonderfully so far!!
a : )
Your finished product is great! Nice color choices and the shading is really well-done. If I were that clown, I'd be running right now. You don't mess with lions.
Hi Jannie...
Happy April Fool's Day!!!
So good!
I hope to see more of your process and find out which tablet you are using. I want to get one, but haven't yet decided if it would be worth it.
I LOVE the circus drawing! It's so cute!
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