Thanks for all the wonderful ideas as to what I should do with the reprints. I need to get creative, especially since I have about 200 of them! Tom Barrett had a great idea with turning them into envelopes, I just did a little test run and it looks like might work out! More soon. Thanks, Tom!
Glad to hear the idea worked out! :)
Cute little pocket.
This is too cute Jannie! Do you get Mary Englbreit's Home Companion? Sometimes there are really cute things in there with such fun little fabrics! I know you must get CRAFT and their email newsletter!! This lil' pocket is too presh, looks like a lil' bunny, just in time for Easter!!
a : )
oh how cute!!! love it...
cute pocket! You should sell these, they are great! you could make kangaroos, monsters and animals... In your spare time, of course! ;)
It's awesome that you make time for other things besides painting. It helps keep the burn outs away.
Very cute.
The wall pocket is very nice. Glad to see you got some sewing time in. I have been itching to take out my HK machine, but knitting is more portable for taking care of a baby.
Looks nice.
Hey Chicken Girl!! I was wondering.. do you use adobe illustrator for your illustrations? I was just trying adobe illustrator and I find it sooo hard to use for illustrating! So I was just wondering if you had any suggestions on illustrating programs if you dont use adobe illustrator?
I want one!!!!! :o)
Happy St. Patrick's Day Jannie...I was hoping to see a green chicken...lol
Andi: I use to love Mary Englbreit. I haven't looked at her stuff in a while. She's got a whole empire going, its pretty awesome, isn't it?
Bearuh: Perhaps you want to try photoshop or even Painter. I've been wanting to try Painter myself...but I'm concentrating on learning Flash right now. I think might be a more "natural" way to draw instead of Illustrator.
Looks like so much fun! I wish I knew how to sew! I like all of the birds you've made in your illustrations.
Oh how I wish I could sew! What a cute idea.
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