Don't get me wrong. I have alot more goals I need to accomplish in the world of children's books (like writing my own book, having a series, taking over the world with chickens, etc.) but there are so much more beyond, like licensing and even "grown up" editorial work. If I don't get those things cooking, it won't magically happen over night.
On another note, I feel like I've been writing alot of "sorry for the late reply" emails. I've been very absent-minded lately, so I apologize to anyone who has emailed or commented here and I haven't replied. Please know I always appreciate them. Cluck cluck!
The card designs are fantastic - So fun! I totally understand the need for a class to enforce deadlines. I'm always looking for a good class to keep me in line but it's a little challenging in my neck of the woods lately - I would definitely take that licensing class if I could. Keep up the good work!!!!
wonderful card designs Jannie and getting into licensing is great!! keep up the great work and goodluck with all your ventures!!!!
What fun cards! I love the alligator. What a great idea for a class...I wonder if there's anything like that in my area...hmmm.
I too need a deadline, which is why Illustration Friday was so great for me. Now that I have a toddler running around, my deadlines tend to be more flexible. ;p
These look amazing! You are being so productive already. I'm so happy to hear you are taking Cheryl's class. You are going to love it, and get so much out of it. I took both the Level 1 and 2 classes, and then Level 2 again for good measure (or for procrastination ; ) I just love those Continuing Ed classes at SVA, because I am just like you and need a deadline or else nothing gets done.
Jannie, these are ADORABLE! I wanna sign up for class! :) With your skill, you will be conquering the entire world with your critters...especially the chicken world! :)
Wow you know what? I think your art is perfect for cards! Seriously I'd buy these. I know many people who do books, cards and licensing. . .lots of ways to make money other than kids lit. This could be just what the doctor ordered for extra money beyond your kids lit.
jannie - your work will be fantastic as cards! these are super cute! i'm taking a class this sat and next to learn Illustrator! i'm so excited and a little nervous! I really need to learn it and needed the class to get me to actually do it!
Oh my, every time I pop by your wonderful blog you always have new awesomeness to share. Makes me feel like I'm procrastinating.
The class sounds like a great idea, it's always good to shake things up now and then to stay fresh.
Very cute, cards btw.
LOVE THESE!!! I can't even pick my favorite because they're all so clever & adorable.
Thanks again for all the help with my millions of questions. I really appreciate it. :)
the cards are great, but I do not think you need a class at all! Greeting cards are a no brainer and mostly the client will handle how they want it to look. More often than not I just hand over an image and they run with it! So do not stress about it.
You do not have to worry at all!! Your stuff is great!
these cards are sooooooooooo awesome, cute and funny!
I like the idea of the class, there are always new things to learn... ;)
hope you achive all your goals...I'm sure you can do anything you want! you are so talented!
Awesome cards! :-)
And procrastination zappers are always a good thing. Must come up with some more... later... ;-D
Your card designs are great! And I can't wait until chickens take over the world :D
I've been hearing so much about licensing lately. All the best with it! The cards are great!
These are really great! The class sounds fantastic and I'm sure you'll get a lot out of it. From the looks of it, you already have! Love, love, love the alligator!
These are SO GREAT! Very marketable, I think! Best of luck to you and your deadlines! : )
Oh! I need a licensing class so bad too!
Please let me know how it goes!
Great idea taking the class to give yourself deadlines. These card designs are brilliant. Love them all!
This cards are fantastic! As always I love your characters and strong colors, they are sooo much fun!!
I'm with you. I'm reading "The Now Habit" to try and kick my procrastination in the booya. We'll see if it helps.
Great cards!!
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