Thanks to Holly DeWolf, I got to contribute to her book, Breaking into Freelance Illustration. She sent me a comp copy back in December- with the holidays and traveling I didn't get a chance to blog about it here. It is a great read for people starting out and even professionals who sometimes need a reminder on a few things. Alot of familar names and blog friends are in it, be sure to check it out if you are interested in becoming a freelance illustrator.
I'm thinking of writing more posts on topics like this, such as what I've learned so far as an illustrator, and my journey of getting there. I feel like I need to pay it forward, as when I was starting out, I looked to bloggers like Keri Smith and Danny Gregory for encouragement and inspiration. So stay tuned.
**OTHER AWESOME NEWS** I'm so excited- I'm going to Japan in May! Just booked flights there for a vacation AND it will be the same week as DesignFesta- which I did purposely so I can attend that as well. It will be a heavy dose of creative inspiration...hope I don't OD! :-)
oh wow Japan!! That's awesome Jannie! I'm sure you'll have so much fun there and come back super inspired. :o)
I'm waiting for your contribution on freelance subject, must be interesting!
Oh! you are going to Japan. There's a lot of beautiful designs and great museums over there. I so envy you but good luck with your vacation :-D
I would love to hear more about how to launch into selling work/licensing work for other companies...I am just starting to create more textile work and would love to learn how to reach more people.
oh so wonderful! I dreaming about trip to Japan so...
and about main topic: freelance sucks :P
sometimes I'm thinking about taking full time job and finally work 8 hour instead of 12(or even more:)
finish work everyday at 5-6 P.M and spend rest of the day on other things
but from the other hand my work is my love/life i really can't give up that :)
That book is great...still reading it. :)
BTW, you've been a great inspiration to me! I have lots to learn about this business but thanks to people like you and many others for being so kind and helpful. :)
Japan! I'm jealous :P Have fun and take lots of pictures :)
You are the greatest and your illustrations are wonderful! Of course you are getting emails, thanks for paying it forward. I can't wait to check out that book and hear whatever else you have to share on the subject.
hey..sounds like a great idea to post some advice or tips to inspire us..
I will consider buying the book..
and will be looking forward to read what you have to say about your experience!
and have fun in Japan :)
I'm really looking forward to hearing your tips on getting started. Your artwork and website has been a huge inspiration for me.
I'm second-gen Japanese so I have no doubt that you will enjoy your vacation in May. Looking forward to hearing about that, too!
I just got that book and am really enjoying going through it. Can't wait for more tips from you!
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