I've wanted to do this for a while now, design some recipe cards and print them up. The funny thing is- I DO have recipes now. Who would of thought that I would become...domesticated?
Honestly, this was something to distract me from working on my book dummy. Now let me get back to work.
I love them!
Good luck with the book :o)
Ohhh... I love these recipe cards! These are awesome!
oh that is darling, Jannie! Good luck on the dummy book. I've been trying to finish mine before Monday. (when paid work comes in). Nearly there.
your recipe card is very cute!
Hehe...I like the ratings section. Looks like the cat is keeping a close eye on his fish recipe.
these are awesome Jannie!!! you need to sell these!!!
I love these, too! So cute - you could sell a bunch of these!
what a lovely recipe card! love it!
Yummy Rating = Hilarious! I'll have to mark the recipes I don't like as "Yucky" too.
Adorable - you could put these in your Etsy shop and they would sell like hot cakes :)
Jannie these a way too cute!! Absolutely love 'em!
neat idea! you could make a set of 12 or so with a nice box as a gift!
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