I've always wanted to write and love the comic style of story telling. But writing is difficult for me. So when I was at the workshop and was told "Write what you know!" it clicked with me. I was going to write about my experiences and feelings of moving from a big city (New York) to a small town (Ann Arbor, MI), in comic form.
I'm intrigued by people who write autobiographical stories. How daring-to have the good, the bad, and the ugly out there for the world to see. I'm sort of nervous about it, afraid of offending anyone's feelings, afraid of people seeing my weak side. But here it is, page 1 to 7...
"If You Lived Here..."
(please click on the images to enlarge and read)

I'll be posting new pages when I can and right now I plan to house all the pages in a set over at my Flickr.
And if you actually read all this rambling AND read my comic story so far, I thank you from the bottom of my heart! :-)
I loved it! What an adjustment you had to go thru! Look forward to reading more.
I have you set to be featured on my blog on Friday the 10th. If you have anything thing you'd like me to talk about and show just let me know. I'm kind of doing the whole thing very casually. Your will be the 2nd feature. If that date isn't good for you or you have changed you mind just let me know.
I LOVE IT! The narrative is wonderful, and you do such a great job w/ the facial expressions on your chicken! You are so brave to be doing this with no planning out. I'm afraid I'm not as flexible. :)I look forward to more!
Oh, and as a side note, we may be experiencing something similar in the next year (except w/ 2 dogs & 2 kids in tow). I'm just a little worried to say the least!
This is awesome Jannie - your sketches are perfect, and the story is riveting. Keep 'em coming!!!
This is great Jannie! I really enjoyed reading it! I'm planning my sketchbook project, so it shows how good you are to jump right in. Thanks for being so brave and inspiring! ;)
P.S. Good to know the story behind your move. Can't wait to read the rest!
Julissa :)
I love it! Don't worry about the art being perfect - it IS a sketchbook project after all. I had that hang up when I did the Sketchbook Project 3 and after I told myself the same thing, it freed me up so much! Can't wait to see the rest of your story!
This is so cute! And I loved reading the story - can't wait to see more!!
Jannie! It's wonderful! I can't wait to read more - you've got a real talent for this, I'm not kidding.
I love this! So funny and real! Great work and told through chickens. Just awesome!
This is so fantastic! I want to read more... REALLY BAD! And you are VERY brave for not planning!
what a great story! i hope our little town wins your heart in the end :)
I love it, love it, love it!!! Loved it so much that I went deep into your blog just reading it all. You're so funny and have a lovely personality. Can't wait for the next part. :D
Thanks for sharing your story, kinda where I am right now. Moved to a new town so Mr. Man could make the money and now I'm settling into a new house, new routine, and am on the search for new friends...
I love the comic book strip format and your narrative and story is quite great. Love that you drew yourself as a chicken! I actually love the looseness of your lines. What a treat!
Great start! I really enjoyed reading it. I can't wait to read more!
I love this!!! It's so great getting to know you this way. What a great way to fill your sketchbook!
I can't wait to see some more! I love it
Oh, this is just so darn adorable!! I love the little Chicken characters, and I can't wait to see what happens next. :) What a great idea to work this way. You always inspire me.
I hope you enjoy your stay in Michigan. I lived there 26 years, so I feel for ya. I'm sending out positive mojo that everyone is nice to you - even when the sun isn't shining, it's horribly cold, and they don't feel like smiling. :D
Love it so far! I wish I was an American so I could take it out of the library when I was finished.
I still have not received my sketchbook in the mail... ooooh, I hope it comes soon!
So much fun! Love seeing your contribution.
This is wonderful Jannie! I enjoyed reading about your personal experiences and I love that you can draw you and your husband as chickens! :) Seems like the graphic novel format suits you well. I am attempting something similar, but it's from my childhood experiences. This inspires me to keep going and to post it on-line. I can't wait to read more of your story!
oh my heavens!!! what a fun sketchbook ....you will have a blast with this project!!!
This is beyond wonderful Jannie!
I'm relating a bit as you made your interstate move around the same time I did mine, (although I went solo). It's so fun to hear more of your story. The characters are perfection! I can't wait for the next installment.
I've always heard Ann Arbor was a forward-thinking artist-friendly town. As someone who's bounced around to a few different midwest towns I say you could have done a lot worse.
I love this. You are inspiring me big time. Can't wait to read part two!
Great idea! I'm glad Chad introduced me to you during our last CF class! Hope to see you at the COMICS FORUM on Sept 12th!
What a great idea! I can totally relate to your feelings, I felt the same way when we moved from LA to Phoenix 6 years ago. Except we weren't smart enough to have an inflatable mattress, so we slept on the floor the first night and bought one the next day. Looking forward to reading more!
wow, wow, wow! This is fabulous and so entertaining. AND inspiring.
Like everyone else has said...can't wait to read what happens next.
Loved the dollar signs and hearts for the eyes. Cracked me up. :o)
wow, amazing, and as you say, brave. well done. can't wait to get my sketchbook!
This is really fun stuff Jannie. I love the graphic novel feel to this and also was left wanting more. Your art is very endearing. And if I never mentioned it, I love your header of the bear and chicken laying on the hill on a perfectly lazy day.
Great stuff Jannie! Love seeing your life all layed out in a comic strip. Can't wait for an update!
WOW!! I'm so in awe of your work, Jannie..love this post - and the fact that you're going for it (pen and bleed to the other side and all)..I think that's awesome!! I look forward to seeing all of your sketches..and hope to see them live and in person in SF! : )
Oh my goodness! This is great! I love that you drew yourself as a chicken, but of course you did, right? I love all the little details: "Ikea lamp everyone owns"! I love the hearts in their eyes when they see the central a/c, hilarious! I can't wait to see more! Fabulous and FUN!!!
Wow! This narration is so neat and organized! I have to come back and read details :-)
Btw, I stop by to tell you that I mention you on my Etsy feature here:
How absolutely wonderful! I love it!
Great story! I want to see more. You've got knack for comics.
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