I just came back from a great vacation with my girlfriends to Germany. A good friend moved there a few years ago and now live in Fehmarn, a beautiful island in the Baltic Sea that is about a hour and a half from Hamburg. I'm always fascinated by children's books in other countries so here are two books I picked up.

This mini, wordless book is very cute which follows people in a town for 12 months (12 spreads). It is very fun to flip through each spread and see what happens to the various people, with lots to details to find.
(one of the spreads)
And one of the books I'm working on right now consists of transportation so I picked up the other book for inspiration. Plus, look at all the cut out little cars! (they are also magnets!)
Those are cool! Thanks for posting! :)
Great books you found! I really love the books that have a lot going on with different details like "Around the World with Mouk" and "Where's Waldo."
How fun! I love children's books that use the illustrations to carry the story along. So perfect for kids of all ages.
Those magnets are cool! Sounds like you had a great trip!
Very nice:)
Looks like some great finds. Thanks for sharing them :)
Cool! My son would love those magnets!
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