(please click to enlarge and read)

The deadline to send the book back to Art House Co-op is January 15th. I was doing the math and if I didn't come up with something every week, it will never get done. So please come back every Tuesday to follow the story.
And thank you again for reading.
P.S.-In case you were wondering, I don't actually own a book that is entitled " How to Make Friends 101." As if I'm not pathetic enough! ;-)
Fun! Thanks for the update, will be sure to check in on Tuesdays. :)
hahaha so much fun!
how are this jewellery-making classes going?
haha......can totally relate to these....and i've never lived in NY......snarkiness has been passed down genetically to me.
This is my new favorite weekly comic! Great pages Jannie!
Do you loosely sketch these in pencil first, or do you just 'wing it' and go straight to ink?
(chicken pun intended) :)
lol...love your comic! The part about the cashiers is very funny!
nice! i can relate. it's as if i wrote it myself... except my lack of social contact side effect is that i talk waaay too long now. no co-workers.
Awesome read, Jannie. Loved the whole thing. :D This is starting to become a weekly fix!
Thank you, everyone.
Angela: I started to loosely sketch in pencil on these pages before I ink. Too many thoughts/directions so the penciling help me gather my thoughts. The pages before that, I just winged it!
I am LOVING this! Can't wait to see what happens in jewelry class!
I think you should consider putting this up as a webcomic when this is all finished. The pacing is great!
Great job, Jannie! Eeks one a week eh? I need to get busy! Love your idea for your sketchbook :) You inspire me!
This is great stuff Jannie. Can't wait to read next weeks episode :)
I love the comic Jannie. And, on another note, I still think we should all go bowling sometime.
Aw, I just love this, Jannie!I'm right there with you on the lack of social skills, but I have no excuse - been in this town almost 18 years. haha Having grown up in Michigan, and then moving to Texas I can tell you that if you think the folks in MI are friendly . . . whoa. Come down to Texas and you will be in complete culture shock!! Everything you described is just how I felt when I moved here. It was freaky. I think it has something to do with the sun. People up north are ugly when the clouds roll in and there is dirty snow on the ground for months on end.
Love your sketchbook project. Can't wait to read more!! :)
Hi Janie... I love what you are doing with your sketchbook! Exposing a side of yourself can make you feel vulnerable but I think people enjoy seeing another side that is not all wrapped up in pretty paper. We always think everyone else has it all together... all the time and in reality, that's not the case. Thank you for sharing yourself.
I am doing the sketchbook too and I picked "the greatest story ever told" and would love to illustrate my sister's life but since the ending is sad, I am rethinking that. Now, since you wrote your post about your move... maybe I might take another look at my sister's story. Hmmm.
Hope you are having a great day!
yay! another installment of chickengirl goes to michigan! i love it! like i said before, you've got a real talent for this! can't wait for the next one. btw - thanks so much for your comments on my animals, i really appreciate them
I love reading about your move. I've lived in Michigan my entire life, so it's interesting to hear your perspective on it. Can't wait for the rest!
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