Saturday, March 04, 2006

Illustration Friday-Insect

Wow, thanks for everyone's comments! I am still new to the blogging world and I think I am already addicted. Here's my flea powder ad-I love doing funny packaging...I've always done them since I can remember...


Rayne said...

They are so cute with their little party hats I'm almost sorry to see them dead.

mbc said...

Love your style and concepts. I enjoyed both posts, look forward to more.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

LOL I laughed out loud on this one! It's fantastic!

marcisenders said...

Very cute!

Anonymous said...

:) cute!!

Cindy said...

Cute stuff! I like your style.

john said...


The Unknown said...

Cute and sad for the fleas. Great job.

Christine Lim said...

awesome! very clever.

Dana S. Whitney said...

Branding! Long live Branding. Wonderful take on the topic. Great colors.

constanthing said...

Your funny packaging's really fun, it's a great idea.

Saul Iscariot said...

Excellent picture, lovley use of colour, it's a shame that their all dead.

kidz illustrator said...

I used to collect "Wacky Package" trading cards when I was a kid. Thanks for the giggles.

Unknown said...

so great! love this one!

Queen Tut said...

Ha ha very funny!

Anonymous said...

I love this! What a cute illustration style you have! :)

Zórdís said...

Happy flees ....... horrofying thought of having flees and happy ones.

Nice and funny, the party hat is a perfect happy sign .....

Susan Mitchell said...

Too cute to live!

Geninne said...

Hahahahahahahahahahaha :o) LOVE it!!!
I would buy all your products if I ever saw them at my local market...4 sure :o)
Big fan of your work, U go girl...I mean...U go chickengirl!

Geninne said...

Hey Jannie, you should put a hit counter on your blog, you'll be amazed at how many people check U out :o)

jody king camarra said...


Suzan said...

Great fleas. Their so cute hate to use the powder on them. Fabulous illo!

Unknown said...

Love your illo!! It's so funny!! beautiful!!

garth bruner said...

You do have a great style. Great illo!

Anonymous said...

LOL, funny packaging at its best. I think this would actually go over well int eh marketplace.

Unknown said...

You do some fantastic work. Your colors are great. What a playful palette. I looked around your site and loved all the stuff you did for scholastic. Great style.

Anette Heiberg said...

I love this! So cute and funny.

Ken Chandler said...

I love your unique spin on these funny topics. Great illos!