I have a confession to make. When I first came to the U.S., I didnt know what Thanksgiving was. What was this strange holiday that included eating turkey and cranberry sauce? At school, the teachers and my classmates asked me, did I have a good thanksgiving? Did I have turkey? I always LIED and said yes. But really, it was just like any other day at my house. And we had....chicken. I remember I didnt want anyone to find out like it was some terrible secret. Of course when you are that young, you don't want to be different. I asked my mom to cook turkey and her answer was, "Chinese people dont really eat turkey."
Funny how last year was the first year my mother finally started making turkey for thanksgiving. That took long enough :-)
Happy thanksgiving, everyone! Turkey or no turkey.
Oh my god, I can see so many frightened and depressed nice turkeys these days! Anyway I´m sure I would eat them... Great illo!
great illo! i feel so bad now for the turkey!
wonderful illo and since i married my wife we dont have turkey either. usually some sukiyaki or shabu shabu
Love the illo and the story that goes with it!
cute story and wonderful illustration! my wife's family (taiwanese) has duck every year and just started to fry their turkeys. all i can say is we eat well every year.
Love your Mr. T!!!
I can't tell you how happy Chicken Boy was that you wished him a happy b-day :o) He had a beautiful day. He loves your art so much!
Thats a great story! Your illustration is terrific! The dotted lines are like the gravy to the whole illustration.
yes well i guess that's why you're chickengirl! love your illo!
great turkey, Chickengirl!
Great illustration Jannie - love the colors. We don't have thanksgiving here in Norway.
Ooooh feel bad for your Turkey, he is looking at the knife coming down on him!! Poor thing!! HE ! HE!! Wonderfully design illo!
haha great illustration and seriously i can't stop lauging everytime i read "Chinese people don't really eat turkey" haha i dont know why..the tone or something makes me laugh..
awesome job!
This is great! Well, I guess not for the turkey...but your concept is too fun! And your story is SO charming. Commendable job!
hahaha this is hilarious! Great illustration! hope you had a good thanksgiving!
Just a little brutal, but I like it!
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