I've done way too many alphabet-related projects to really do a new piece for this topic. So I hope you enjoy some of these oldies but goodies. These were done for a little book for Educators Publishing Service.

I also have a book out in the Fall called
The Mixed-Up Alphabet written by Steve Metzger, illustrated by me. So thats plenty of alphabets already! But I thought about doing one as a quilting project-it might be pretty cool. If only I had some more time...
how did i know that you would have the most lively little alphabet ever! that's where we all want to "B" -- in your fun and beautiful world! great illos, as always :)
-- kim
Your alphabet works are very charming~! I do like your B the best!! Why didn't I think about boat when I was doing mine~! B as baseball... how boring... :)
These are both so cute! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Great alphabets!
Wonderful stuff...love how the vowels stand out. Congrats on the book !
of course we enjoyed it! :D it's so funny... I want this on my walll... *_^
Always nice to see a chicken girl post - love the boat - of course it should have arms.nice.
WOW, your alphabets really rock! :D
Very beautiful like always :)
These are totally, utterly delightful.
Also, I'm sorry about this, but I'm tagging you. If you'd like to play, and find out more, please visit my blog!
All the best,
Cathy xxx
soooo cute!
hehe they're so cute!
what a cute alphabet....lovely!
thanks by stopping by my blog!
whew ok, good to know these are goodies but oldies. caus the 1st time i look u didnt have the top one posted and i thought if u just came up with that in the last day or 2 damn girl u are really good. love em both great expressions and characters
I wish these were available as fonts. What fun that would be.
Great job on the alphabet! Good luck on your new book.
Love your alphabets! I especially love that little jelly (or jam) jar in the second illo. Love them! (Thanks for your always supportive comments at my blog! I LOVE coming to yours and checking it out all the time!)
Love the E, and the fish's nose
So cute...love the alphabet piece!
you make the bestest stuff!
Your style is very endearing. Very nice.
Very likeable letters... the style is super... congratulations... and thanks to share it...
Best wishes from Buenos Aires...
Alexiev Store
These are delightful and charming!
>sigh< You are awesome!!!!!
I love your alphabet guys! Your work is always great! Hope all is well!
I love that dancing jam jar. Too cute!
These are amazing! i absolutely love them!
They are just so adorable, and cute. Uve done a great job at this challenge :)
And thanks for stopping by my blog, you said you wanted your own bunny, so i made you one :)
Just check my posts and you will see it there.
They are all so cute and the mixed-up alphabet as a quilt would be amazing! :)
So very cute and fun - love your colors and style so much! Your work is really great!!
always love your characters! These alphabets are just scrumptious!
Wonderful and great! You are an alphabet meister!
All they together are so sweet! I love particularly the vowels :D
Very fun - love the jam.
Great alphabet - LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
wonnnnnnddderfulll!!! love the vowels!
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