This piece was commissioned by Nickelodeon magazine for their art-themed issue. They had asked various illustrators to reinterperet the Mona Lisa and this was my piece. Unfortunately I didn't make the cut and mine is not in the issue. :-( But I am glad I can still share it here.
Check out the other interpretations from the magazine here.
Check out the other interpretations from the magazine here.
Ha! That's awesome! :)
Love it! You are a good sculptor with that sculpey clay.
too bad it didn't make the cut. Still: AWESOME! So funny i peed my pants when i saw it (but don't tell anyone, might ruin my reputation).
nice job! love the banana.
i heart monkeys :o)
Oh man, I can't believe you weren't included. This is hilarious!
BTW I saw this and thought of you immediately.
Love it...Yer so talented!!
I love it, the palm trees are a nice touch.
I love it, but I'm partial to monkeys. :)
HA ! HA!! This is brilliant!
bah! Your's is better than most of those. Dern those judges.
i like it cause i lke sculptural things im more 3d then 2d. also lik eur stickes below and below that ur before and after. and ur rite a good illo does tell a story and its all in th detail i guess that y mine are so bad. i just make art but im workin on it.
I love this! You are a good sculptor too!
fantastic! .. this made me smile..
Because I care... I'm tagging you with the "25 Favorite Movies" meme. See mine here.
hope they paid you
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