I've been working on a self promotion piece. Its actually for my page in
Picturebook 09. I decided that a circus theme would be fun, but I didn't realize how little I knew of the circus. I tried to jog my memories for reference but the only thing I thought of was going to see some sideshow freaks. I'll save that for later.

Hey, I'm starting to sketch on the computer! I actually did a very rough sketch, scanned it in, re-sketch this in photoshop. (I know, a bit ridiculous, but I had to start somewhere.) Still a little rough, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel where sketching digitally is possible. Cintiq here I come.

The composition was still bothering me from the sketch, but I thought I would go ahead and start on the color, and move things around a bit to my liking. And this is the final!