Saturday, September 08, 2007

Old work vs. New work

Thanks for all the comments for the previous post, everyone! Its great to get positive feedback and I will be sure to do more posts like it in the future.

Over at the illustration for kids blog, we are comparing our old work vs. our recent work. What a trip down memory lane!

Work from Art school days:
On the left, a self portrait (yes, the chicken obsession was already evident) and on the right, a gouache painting for a concepts class.

Going digital- work from 2003:
You can read more on these here. And be sure to check out the other Illustration for Kids group members' comparison. Its quite facsinating to see how we've all progressed.


Juan Pablo said...

Love your illos, always full of colors!

imwithsully said...

Thanks for showing your old vs. new work. It's a great way to shown how you've grown over the years in regards to storytelling and digital technique. I enjoyed reading this and the post at the "kids" blog.

Bearuh said...

I love seeing older work... Love the different colored people