Highlights of my year:
-Attending the SCBWI winter conference in February.
-Meeting many blog friends in person!!! Hello Alicia, Kim, Leeza, Courtney, Gina, Deborah, Edrian, and fellow Illustration for kids member Jenn!
-Seeing my book, The Haunted Ghoul Bus at Barnes and Nobles front and center. Truly a dream come true.
-My Scholastic's "I'm Reading Now!" series coming out, seeing it in the book club catalog. I was working on this non-stop for a year. So good to see the fruits of my labor!
-Doing a signing at the Friends of lulu/MoCCA table at the NY ComicCon. I felt so cool for an hour...hehe!
-Attending my rep, MB artists' party and meeting so many clients and fellow artists. Such a treat for a freelancer that works from home!
-Getting many interesting and full filling projects, which I can't talk about now, but many will be out in 2009.
I can't mention highlights of this year without also mentioning about getting engaged. :-) Also, the trip to France and San Francisco was also wonderful. I love traveling.
My goals for 2009:
I'm going to keep it short this year....since there are lot of things that will be going on for me personally.
I'm planning to just CREATE.
-write and illustrate- finish one dummy book
-create artwork for licensing/products/greeting cards
-re-vamp and update my website
Happy new year to you all! What are some of your highlights of 08 and goals for 09? I would love to hear about it.